Thursday, September 25, 2008


So I guess I'm kind of behind everyone in fifth period. My laptop doesn't work! So I just created this adorable little blog today, Thursday the 25th, and here I am typing up all my blogs from my notebook. I'm not really in the hang of this whole blogging thing; my apologies when you read the first few. Haha soo where do I start?


Is true love real? Why do people really believe it doesn't exist? I'm that girl everyone has met who believes in the fairy tale. Boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl get married and grow old together. Is that really so naive? I found the fairy tale. And yes, it's a lot of work. It's not the kind of thing you'll find if you go searching for it. For me, it's that thing I never thought would exist. I searched and searched, and tried to make myself believe that I had found it. This time it's the real thing. I can honestly say I would give up anything for this person. He is my whole life. On top of being an amazing boyfriend, he is the closest person to me. It's not the kind of relationship where we're embarrassed to talk about certain things, for fear that the other will think we're wierd. He loves me for who I am, and that's the greatest feeling in the world. We both agree that after we fight, we feel like we've climbed over this brick wall and now we can move past it. Things like that end up bringing us even closer together. There's not enough words in any of the hundreds of languages in the world that can explain this to somebody who's never felt it before. I hope everybody finds out for themselves.